Tonight, I'm in a good place. I'm not feeling stressed to the max, or overwhelmed, or worried about anything. I'm not wishing away the days until Friday. I'm not dreading my alarm clock.
Instead, I am full of contentment and peace. I am comfortable.
It's a luxurious, decadent, rare feeling.
I know it won't last long, but I am reveling in this quiet moment.
To me, tonight, comfort is:
1) The big brown overstuffed couch I'm sitting on, the home base of my house. The place where I read and blog and grade and nap and watch Grey's on Thursday nights.
2) The big old gray UNCA volleyball t-shirt that I've had since 8th grade. It that has been washed and worn so many times it is softer than a box of Downy's dryer sheets.
3) The feeling of a real book in my hands, the ruffly sound of the pages turning and the scratchy sound of my pen making notes in the margins.
4) The southern taste of the sweet tea, BBQ sandwich and macaroni and cheese I had for dinner, filling me up with warm carby goodness.
5) The conversation I just shared with my mom, chatting and reliving the day's mundane events. Nothing revolutionary. Just comfort in knowing she cares, genuinely cares about me and my life.
6) Sharing a laugh with a best friend on the phone and taking a moment to let the encouragement, friendship, and support she gives soak in and make its way to my heart.
7) Reading a sweet comment from my baby sister on my Facebook wall and realizing how much technology can be a blessing - not just a time wasting curse!
8) The clock moving closer to bedtime - the thrilling prospect of 7 hours of nothing but rest and rejuvenation. Sleeping is all I have to do until tomorrow.
I better go get some sleep before I remember my to-do list.
Now I know:
Comfort is all around. If you stop and relax for a moment, it might even find you.
Reading this post just made me feel much more calm! :)