Tonight my mom is in town. She's only been here since dinnertime, but I already feel a million times better about life in general.
My mom always has that effect on me. :)
As I recounted the weeks' events, we had country music playing, natch. The song "Don't You Wanna Stay," by Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson (AMAZING) came on, and it reminded me of a cool moment that happened this Wednesday morning.
I got up late for school. I felt tired and grumpy. We have four weeks left until Spring Break, and I've been feeling like I have to ride my broom to school every morning just to get many of my students to take school seriously.
While I was still lying in bed, I said a little prayer that God would help me to have a good day in spite of being tired, and that he would give me the energy to get through it all with an attitude of joy.
Then my mom called just to say good morning. I felt a little better.
I've been running a lot lately and have been surviving on Lean Cuisines for dinner every night, so I was super hungry. A bowl of cereal just wasn't going to cut it. Even though I didn't have time for it, I decided to stop by Chick-fil-A and treat myself to a big gulp diet coke and a chicken biscuit.
I hit every green light on the way to Chick-fil-A.
There was no line in the drive thru.
And then my jam, "Don't You Wanna Stay," came on the radio. I blasted it and arrived to school with a huge smile on my face - five minutes early. The rest of the day flew by.
I especially liked that I had a gigantic styrofoam cup to keep refilling with diet coke all day. "Isn't that dumb?" I said to my mom. "That a styrofoam cup would make me happy?"
My mom replied, "Nope. Sometimes it's just the little things, honey."
How true.
I think if I spent more time collecting these "little things" and storing them up in my heart, I could carry that joy with me all the time.
Some of the other little things this week that have brought me JOY are:
- 70 and 80 degree weather. Hello Rainbows! How I've missed you!
- Cashing in a hot stone pedicure gift certificate I got for Christmas from one of my little girls in my class. I love seeing my light purple toenail polish when I wear my Rainbows!
- Reading the second book in "The Hunger Games" series in one sitting Thursday night. Yes, it is that riveting. Cannot wait to start the third one!
- Eating at PF Changs tonight after a week of Lean Cuisines. Heavenly.
- Walking around the Shops at Greenridge with my mom, with no agenda and no rush.
- Having our "Holiday Book Club" today, when my kids that read a book over Christmas vacation get to talk about what they are reading. I love how they got so into the discussion, they didn't want to go outside to recess on this insanely gorgeous day!!! That's what I'm talking about!!!
- Having our sweet school counselor bring in some clothes she didn't want anymore and finding an adorable pair of Big Star jeans in the stack that fit me perfectly.
- Hearing from an old friend out of the blue.
- Writing a song with my Thursday afternoon guitar class.
- Getting this in my fortune cookie:
What are some of your little things?
Now I know:
There isn't one big key to joy. There are a million little ones.
Love it! So very true girl...
ReplyDeleteJilly, I needed this reminder today. I have been down in the dumps lately and have ZERO patience. BUT, through the teething and the early onset of "two" type behavior...I'm trying your advice and hanging onto this little thing: today when we got home from the store, Meggie got her milk out of the refrigerator. I was running around frantically trying to put groceries away and get lunch on the table when I looked over and she had accidentally spilled milk all over the floor and her shoes. I sighed a HUGE sigh and said, "Uh-oh - Meg - your milk!" Before I could haul myself over to clean up the mess, she ran over, got a napkin out of the pantry, and wiped up every last drop. :) Of course, this was before she ran to the pantry and also stuffed a gigantic fistful of dogfood in her mouth. Guess I wasn't fast enough with lunch!
ReplyDeleteI love your mom, I love you, I love your thoughts about life and the way you express them on your blog! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO biffaroo